3.1a - Connect to node with RSA Key


Follow these steps to connect your node with the Arizen wallet to perform shielded (private) transactions

  • Use your RSA-Key to connect with your node
  • Fetch the RPC login details from your node


Login to your Arizen wallet and open up setting, scroll to bottom of settings page


Login to your node with your SSH terminal and fetch the RPC login details

NOTE: Copy the details from the lines "rpcuser=" and "rcppassword="

cat ~/.zen/zen.conf | grep rpc
Example Output

zenops@node01:~$ cat ~/.zen/zen.conf | grep rpc


Enter your node login and rpc user and password details into the Arizen settings page

NOTE: No SSH password is entered since we will use the SSH private key file and it's password to secure login


For the line: "Path to SSH private key file", click "Browse" and locate the private key file used for logging in with your terminal software

For the line: "Passphrase for SSH private key file (if necessary)", enter the password used with the private key file

NOTE for Windows users: This key file must be in an OpenSSH format

Windows users - Click Here to convert your ".ppk" key file into an OpenSSH key file usable for Arizen

Click save and Arizen will attempt connection with your node. The status for the connection will be displayed on the bottom of the Arizen client window

Successful connection and communication is indicated with green indicators for "Server" and "zend"

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