1.6 - Private Keys

1.6 - Private Keys

Original Content by Tigger on September 5, 2018


Import or Export Private Keys to/from Your Wallet

Whenever adding a new address or importing any private key(s), you MUST create a new backup as all your previous backups will not contain the private keys for the newly added/imported addresses!

Arizen wallet has the option to export or import Private keys.

  • You can use this option if you want to export or import more than one private key. If you want to import/export, click on "File" in the menu bar. There are options to "Export private keys" and "Import private keys", as you can see in Figure 1.15. The Private keys are exported in *.txt format, and must be imported in the same format.

  • If you want to export or import more than one private key, you can click on "File" and then choose "Export private keys" or "Import private keys".

  • You may also import a single private key (Figure 1.17). There is no option to export a single private key.

NOTE: Private keys can be exported as a string in WIF format (used in Swing Wallet) and imported as a string in WIF or HEXformats, as you can see in Figure 1.16. (Only one Private key per line is allowed.)

Figure 1.15: If you want to export or import more than one private key, you can click on "File" and then choose "Export private keys" or "Import private keys".

Figure 1.16: An example of two private keys for two addresses.

Figure 1.17: You may import a single private key directly from the toolbar.

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