1.2 - Create Wallet
Nathan Bode (Unlicensed)
Ruben Elizondo (Unlicensed)
Spencer Whetstone (Unlicensed)
Original Content by Tigger on September 5, 2018
Creating Your Wallet
First, launch your Arizen wallet.
The first window opened presents data entry lines for your login credentials for an existing wallet. There is also the option to "Create Wallet". See Figure 1.3.
NOTE: your account/wallet file is encrypted and stored ONLY on your local system; offline backups are highly recommended.
There are three possible actions for your next step:
You have already created a wallet and have established login credentials.
Fill the "Wallet Name", and "Password" and click on "Login". Continue in using Arizen as usual.
You are a new Arizen user and need to create a new wallet.
Click on "Create Wallet". Then, you’re asked to fill the "Wallet Name", "Password", and "Password" again. Then, click on "Create Wallet". See Figure 1.4.
While filling in your credentials, you can will notice some restrictions regarding the Wallet Name and Password. See Figures 1.5 and 1.6.
- Notice the warning about creating a backup of your encrypted *.awd (Arizen wallet database) or *.uawd (un-encrypted Arizen wallet database) file. See Figure 1.7.
After successful creation of your new wallet, you can normally "Login."
- "Backup" your wallet file to a secure location.See Figure 1.10: Backup your wallet file to a secure location. You must also keep a record of your login credentials.
You have a previous backup of your Arizen wallet and wish to restore it.
On the first page (see Figure 1.3), click on "Create Wallet". Now you can see the form for creating a wallet (See Figure 1.4). Check the box next to "Do you have previous backup?" and select your backup.
Your previous backup can be restored from a encrypted *.awd (Arizen wallet database) or *.uawd (un-encrypted Arizen wallet database) file, see Figure 1.8 and 1.9.
You can choose the file by clicking on "Browse" button and select a wallet available in the *.awd format from your backup, you have to fill your "Old Wallet Name" and "Old Password".
- Click on "Create Wallet".
- Now your wallet has been created and you can "Login" with your credentials.
Figure 1.3: The window seen after launching the Arizen wallet.
Figure 1.4: First time users should start by creating a new wallet.
Figure 1.5: Wallet name must have at least four characters.
Figure 1.6: Password must conform to strict requirements.
Figure 1.7: Acknowledged the need to keep a backup of your wallet(s) file(s) and login credentials.
Figure 1.8: Choosing a *.uawd wallet to restore from requires no additional credentials to restore. A fakepath file location is used to mask file location from potential eavesdroppers.
Figure 1.9: Choosing a *.awd will require additional credentials from the old wallet being restored. Note that the new wallet name must be different from the old wallet name.
Figure 1.10: Backup your wallet file to a secure location.