3.3 - Import a Z Address Private Key

Original Content by Tigger on September 5, 2018


Import a Z Address Private Key From Your Connected Node Into Your Arizen Wallet

You can import an existing Z address by importing it's private key or spending key. Click on Import a private key and add an address name, the key and the address type. The Secure/Super Node should re-scan the blockchain upon import of a new key.

If you're unable to spend after import (and re-scan completed), you will need to manually force a full re-scan on the connected node through an SSH terminal.

sudo systemctl stop zend && zend -rescan

This may take up to several hours, and any zen-cli commands will return an error until the re-scan has completed.

Once the re-scan has completed (zend LED in Arizen turns green), you will need to stop zend and restart it with systemd to re-enable process monitoring and automatic certification renewal.

zen-cli stop && sudo systemctl start zend

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