3.6 - Private Addresses & Transactions FAQs

3.6 - Private Addresses & Transactions FAQs

Original Content by Tigger on September 5, 2018


FAQs About Your Arizen Wallet's Support and Features for Conducting Private Transactions

Do I have to use a Secure/Super Node when I want to use Arizen?

  • No, if you do not want to send ZEN to/from Z addresses you can continue using Arizen as usual.

What are these LEDs on the "Total Balance" bar?

  • The server LED (the left one) shows if the SSH connection is established (Ping) and the zend LED shows if the zend RPC is responding to requests.

Why do the LEDs on the "Total Balance" bar sometimes turn red and then green?

  • Mainly due to network instability. Please note that this is not a fault of Arizen.

What happens if I change my Secure/Super Node?

  • After the settings are updated by the user, Arizen starts syncing the Z addresses in both directions. The User will need to start a re-scan of the blockchain on the Secure/Super node by running:

    sudo systemctl stop zend && zend -rescan
  •  After rescan is finished, functionality can continue as usual (the zend LED will illuminate green)

  • Once the re-scan has completed, you will need to stop zend and restart it with systemd to re-enable process monitoring and automatic certification renewal.

    zen-cli stop && sudo systemctl start zend

Are my private keys stored in the Secure/Super Nodes?

  • Only private keys for Z address are stored in the Secure/Super Nodes. T addresses generated from Arizen are securely stored exclusively within Arizen.

Are the private keys of my T addresses stored on any Secure/Super Node?

  • No, they exist only in Arizen.

Are the private keys, of my Z addresses, stored in any Secure/Super Node?

  • Yes, they are in the Secure/Super Node as well as in the Arizen Wallet. Arizen keeps a 1 to 1 copy of Z addresses.

What is the address “My Watch Only Secure/Super Node addr”?

  • This is the intermediate T address that lives on the Secure Node.

Can I run zend locally?

Can I use the shielded address capabilities without giving my SSH credentials?

  • This is not possible as, an SSH tunnel should be established for security reasons. In this way your private keys and information are sent back and forth encrypted. To not use SSH credentials would require use of a local instance of zend connected over localhost.

Can I use an RSA key instead of a password?

What to do if my Secure/Super Node becomes FUBAR'd or otherwise no longer exists in our universe?

  • 42? Okay seriously....the funds associated with the private keys are securely stored within Arizen and can be fully recovered by simply re-connecting Arizen with a new Secure/Super node or local instance of zend using localhost. Only T addresses with the name My Watch Only Secure Node addr from the Secure/Super node are not backed up in the Arizen wallet. You are responsible for backing up your Arizen wallet and the wallets of your Secure/Super Nodes. Horizen does not have any control over your wallets or keys. Practice safe crypto.

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