In Arizen wallet you can have a list of your nonzero addresses, as you can see in Figure 2.1, or your zero balances as well. Option "Show zero balances" is checked by default, as it’s shown in Figure 2.2. For creating a new address, click on "Get a new address". A warning appears and informs you that a new address and private key will be created. It means that your previous backups of Arizen do not include this new address or the corresponding private key. We strongly recommend you to use the backup feature of Arizen for making new backup files and replacing the old ones!
After confirming the warning, you can choose to create a T (Transparent/Public) or Z (Shielded/Private) address (Z addresses are only available when connected to a Secure/Super Node). Then choose a name for the address and it will automatically be generated, see Figure 2.4. A newly created address will be shown automatically because "Show zero balances" checkbox is checked by default, as was mentioned previously. The newly generated Z address is shown in Figure 2.5.
Every address shows you the balance of ZEN (shown in green). Next to the balance, you can see green and a red arrows. If you click on the green arrow, the "Deposit" screen appears. If you click on the red arrow, the "Withdraw" screen appears.
For more detail on Depositing, see Section 2.2, for Withdrawing, see Section 2.3.
In the footer there is the "Total Balance" of ZEN and it's equivalent in your chosen fiat currency. Also, it shows time of last update of the exchange rate, see Figure 2.6. See Section 4.1 to learn how to choose your preferred fiat currency for display in the balance bar.
You can copy and paste addresses from/into the data entry fields, using the usual keyboard commands.