Sphere 1.1 - Download and Account Creation

Sphere 1.1 - Download and Account Creation

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Sphere 1.1 - Download And Creation

The latest version of Sphere may always be found at:

Choose and run the installer appropriate for your Operating System. 



Windows 10

See Figure 1.

First Run of Sphere

Depending on your Operating System you may need to give permission for Sphere to run.

See Figure 2.

Note: For Windows installations, be sure your user account has administrative privileges.

The initial screen of Sphere shows  "Login" and a "Create an account" options. See Figure 3

Click on "Create an account."

Sphere is not a hosted wallet. It runs locally on your desktop computer. You must provide a name for your Account and a Password.

These credentials are required each time you enter the Account. Please make careful note of these. There is no way to enter the Account without them.


Password requirements are consistent throughout Sphere.

 •  Minimum of 8 characters
 •  Upper case alphabetical character(s)
 •  Lower case alphabetical character(s)
 •  Special character(s) such as !@#$5^&*()_+ etc

It is not possible to change the password for a Sphere account.

Normal Log In Screen shown in Figure 3.

Create Account

See  Figure 4.

Acknowledgments of Understanding

You will be asked to confirm your understanding and acceptance of the statements shown in Figure 5.

You can see a larger version of each Figure by double-clicking on it.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'SM:Social Links'.