Node Wallet Backup

Node Wallet Backup

Files Backed Up


wallet.dat, onion_private_key*



Create and Execute Backup Script - Perform upon completion of node setup, or anytime after generating new Z addresses

  1. Log into your node using your RSA key auth

  2. Set the $FQDN environment variable - you will need to type this command and change <FQDN> to the Fully-Qualified Domain Name of your node

  3. Stop zend and the tracker if you're using monit and PM2

    sudo monit stop zend && pm2 stop 0
  4. Stop zend and the tracker if you're using systemd

    sudo systemctl stop zend zentracker
  5. Remove '#' from the line: '#7z a tor.7z ~/.zen/onion_private_key', if using tor

    cat <<EOF > ~/backup.sh
    #Create a temp Directory
    mkdir ~/.temp && cd ~/.temp
    #Archive zend file(s)
    7z a wallet.7z ~/.zen/wallet.dat
    #7z a tor.7z ~/.zen/onion_private_key
    #Archive nodetracker config file
    7z a config.7z ~/nodetracker/config/config.json
    cd ~/
    7z a -p backup.$FQDN.7z ~/.temp
    #Erase Temporary Files
    rm -rf ~/.temp
  6.  Make the backup script executable

    chmod u+x ~/backup.sh
  7. Install 7zip

    sudo apt install p7zip-full -y
  8. Run the backup script and create and confirm a password when prompted

  9. Start zend and the tracker if you're using monit and PM2

    sudo monit start zend && pm2 start 0
  10. Start zend and the tracker if you're using systemd

    sudo systemctl start zend zentracker
  11. Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and re-check the hash after transferring to your local machine

    sha256sum backup.$FQDN.7z

File Transfer Section

  1. Launch Terminal
    1. CMD + Space, search 'Terminal' and press <Enter>
  2. Enter the following to SCP the backup file into your home directory
    1. Replace <USER> with your username
    2. Replace <FQDN> with your fully qualified domain name

    scp <USER>@<FQDN>:backup.<FQDN>.7z ~/
  3. The "backup.<FQDN>.7z" file is located in "/Users/<USER>/"
  4. Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node

    shasum -a 256 ~/backup.<FQDN>.7z
  5. Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive
    1. How to create an encrypted thumb drive in Mac OS using Disk Utility
  1. Launch Terminal
  2. Enter the following to SCP the backup file into your home directory
    1. Replace <USER> with your username
    2. Replace <FQDN> with your fully qualified domain name

    scp <USER>@<FQDN>:backup.<FQDN>.7z ~/
  3. The "backup.<FQDN>.7z" file is located in "/Users/<USER>/"
  4. Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node

    sha256sum ~/backup.<FQDN>.7z
  5. Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive
    1. How to create an encrypted thumb drive in Linux using Disks Utility
  1. Launch WinSCP
    1. WinSCP can be downloaded here
    2. Accept importing PuTTY config, this will also grab your key files for increased security
  2. Select your node from the list and click login and enter your information
  3. In the right window pane, select the file named "backup.<FQDN>.7z"
  4. Click download, select a location and click OK
  5. Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node
    1. Use QuickHash to verify the sha256 hash
  6. Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive

    1. How to create an encrypted thumb drive on Windows 10 Pro with BitLocker
    2. How to create an encrypted thumb drive using VeraCrypt

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