Node Wallet Backup
Files Backed Up
wallet.dat, onion_private_key*
Create and Execute Backup Script - Perform upon completion of node setup, or anytime after generating new Z addresses
Log into your node using your RSA key auth
Set the $FQDN environment variable - you will need to type this command and change <FQDN> to the Fully-Qualified Domain Name of your node
Stop zend and the tracker if you're using monit and PM2
sudo monit stop zend && pm2 stop 0
Stop zend and the tracker if you're using systemd
sudo systemctl stop zend zentracker
Remove '#' from the line: '#7z a tor.7z ~/.zen/onion_private_key', if using tor
cat <<EOF > ~/ #!/bin/bash #Create a temp Directory mkdir ~/.temp && cd ~/.temp #Archive zend file(s) 7z a wallet.7z ~/.zen/wallet.dat #7z a tor.7z ~/.zen/onion_private_key #Archive nodetracker config file 7z a config.7z ~/nodetracker/config/config.json cd ~/ 7z a -p backup.$FQDN.7z ~/.temp #Erase Temporary Files rm -rf ~/.temp EOF
Make the backup script executable
chmod u+x ~/
Install 7zip
sudo apt install p7zip-full -y
Run the backup script and create and confirm a password when prompted
Start zend and the tracker if you're using monit and PM2
sudo monit start zend && pm2 start 0
Start zend and the tracker if you're using systemd
sudo systemctl start zend zentracker
Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and re-check the hash after transferring to your local machine
sha256sum backup.$FQDN.7z
File Transfer Section
- Launch Terminal
- CMD + Space, search 'Terminal' and press <Enter>
- Enter the following to SCP the backup file into your home directory
- Replace <USER> with your username
- Replace <FQDN> with your fully qualified domain name
scp <USER>@<FQDN>:backup.<FQDN>.7z ~/
- The "backup.<FQDN>.7z" file is located in "/Users/<USER>/"
Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node
shasum -a 256 ~/backup.<FQDN>.7z
- Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive
- Launch Terminal
- Enter the following to SCP the backup file into your home directory
- Replace <USER> with your username
- Replace <FQDN> with your fully qualified domain name
scp <USER>@<FQDN>:backup.<FQDN>.7z ~/
- The "backup.<FQDN>.7z" file is located in "/Users/<USER>/"
Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node
sha256sum ~/backup.<FQDN>.7z
- Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive
- Launch WinSCP
- WinSCP can be downloaded here
- Accept importing PuTTY config, this will also grab your key files for increased security
- Select your node from the list and click login and enter your information
- In the right window pane, select the file named "backup.<FQDN>.7z"
- Click download, select a location and click OK
- Check the sha256 hash of the backup file and verify it is the same as on the node
Store the file to a secure location, such as an encrypted thumb drive