Upgrading Tracker Software (systemd)

Upgrading Tracker Software (systemd)

Use this page for common commands used to upgrade the node tracker software running on Secure, or Super Nodes

  • Upgrading the node tracker
  • Check tracker status

NOTE: You must be using systemd to manage zend and nodetracker for this procedure. If you're using an older install using PM2 & Monit, please follow PM2 / Monit - Migration to systemd

If you wish to continue using the legacy configuration, see Upgrading Tracker Software (Legacy - PM2/Monit)


Upgrading the node tracker
1Stop the running nodetracker process
sudo systemctl stop zentracker
2Change directory to where the node tracker was cloned (~/nodetracker for the official guide) and update the git origin to use HorizenOfficial
cd ~/nodetracker
git remote set-url origin "$(git remote -v | grep origin | head -n1 | cut -d$'\t' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sed 's/[zZ][eE][nN][cC][aA][sS][hH][oO][fF][fF][iI][cC][iI][aA][lL]/HorizenOfficial/g')"
3Update git with the new repository URL and retrieve the latest source code
git checkout -- package.json
git pull

NOTE: If git returns an error regarding any files run the following command (replacing 'filename' with the file returned in the error message) and repeat the commands above

git checkout -- filename
4Install the Node Tracker with npm
NODE_ENV=production npm install

Start the nodetracker and check it's status
5Start the nodetracker

sudo systemctl start zentracker

Verify the status after restarting by following the logs and checking for valid output, exit by pressing CTRL + c

sudo journalctl -fu zentracker

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