Migrate zend Installation From Source to APT Repository

NOTICE: Support for Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 8 and 9 have been deprecated with ZEND 4.1.0. These distributions will no longer be able to upgrade using apt. You can still build ZEND from source for these distributions.

Logged in as the non-root user

  • Add the zen apt repository
  • Install zen

1Update the package cache
sudo apt-get update
2Install pre-requisites (apt-transport-https, lsb-release)
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release
3Stop zend - use the command relevant to your installation

For installations using systemd (assumes the unit file is named 'zend.service')

sudo systemctl stop zend

For installations using monit

sudo monit stop zend

For installations manually running zend

zen-cli stop && sleep 5

Add the Horizen repository to the 'sources.list' file

echo 'deb https://HorizenOfficial.github.io/repo/ '$(lsb_release -cs)' main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/zen.list
5Pull the gpg key used to sign Horizen packages

Pulling the gpg key may take some time, if it times out, run it again until it has been imported

gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv 219F55740BBF7A1CE368BA45FB7053CE4991B669

Alternate key server if the one above fails to respond

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com  --recv 219F55740BBF7A1CE368BA45FB7053CE4991B669
6Export the gpg key and add to apt, this enables package verification
gpg --export 219F55740BBF7A1CE368BA45FB7053CE4991B669 | sudo apt-key add -

Update the package cache again with the Horizen repository now added as a source

sudo apt-get update

Install the zend daemon

sudo apt-get install zen -y

Download the required parameters for zend

NOTE: This will only download parameters that are missing


Check zend's version

***CHECK FOR "Zen Daemon version v4.1.0"***

zend --version
Desired Output

zenops@node01:~$ zend --version

Zen Daemon version v4.1.0

Copyright (C) 2009-2023 The Bitcoin Core Developers
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 The Zcash Developers
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Zdeveloper.org
Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Zen Blockchain Foundation

This is experimental software.

Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying file COPYING
or <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>.

This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
OpenSSL Toolkit <https://www.openssl.org/> and cryptographic software written
by Eric Young.


Start zend monitoring services after the upgrade has been completed

For installations using systemd (assumes the unit file is named 'zend.service')

sudo systemctl start zend

For installations using monit

sudo monit start zend

For installations manually running zend


Restarting zentracker
12Restart zentracker after zend has restarted

For installations using systemd (assumes the unit file is named 'zentracker.service')

sudo systemctl restart zentracker

For installations using pm2 (assumes the tracker is running as the only or first process, numbered 0)

pm2 restart 0

Migrate zend Installation From Source to APT Repository

© 2020 Horizen. All rights reserved.