Brave Bonus Missing

Brave Bonus Missing

Spencer Whetstone on
April 28, 2020

  • Spanish/Español

Brave Bonus Missing

Why aren't I getting the Brave Bonus 1.2x multiplier?

If you are using the Brave browser and are not getting the 1.2x Brave Bonus multiplier:

  1. Take a screen capture of the Extra Rewards page of the Faucet.
  2. Open a ticket at https://support.horizen.global/
  3. Describe the issue as "Missing Brave Bonus"
  4. Include the screen capture.
  5. Include your ZEN address used to receive Faucet rewards.

We will fix it for you!

You can gain more screen space by toggling the "[" key. This will hide the sidebar. You can double-click an image to see a larger version.

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