Treasury Management

Treasury Management

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Treasury Management

Additional Revenue

In a mining environment that is getting more competitive and institutional, it is important to leverage your mining balance sheet to maintain or increase your profitability. Horizen’s Zen Nodes offer miners and other stakeholders another means of generating revenue.

There are approximately 360 ZEN per day available to pay each class of node. That is split proportionally among all qualifying nodes according to their uptime.

Payments are made in ZEN directly to the stake address. There is no assumption made about the fiat value of ZEN.

Horizen’s Zen Nodes add services, resilience, and availability to the Horizen network.



There are two classes of Zen Nodes:

Secure Nodes

  • Provides point-to-point encryption for Horizen network traffic
  • Maintains a full copy of the Zen blockchain
  • Adds to the cloud of shielded zero knowledge transactions
  • Requires 42 Zen Stake
  • Entitled to proportional share of 10% of the Zen block discovery reward (separate from Super Nodes)

Super Nodes

  • Provides point-to-point encryption for Horizen network traffic
  • Maintains a full copy of the Zen blockchain
  • Adds to the cloud of shielded zero knowledge transactions
  • Sidechain services
  • Node uptime tracking
  • Node payment queuing and scheduling
  • Requires 500 Zen Stake
  • Entitled to proportional share of 10% of the Zen block discovery reward (separate from Secure Nodes). 

For a full guide on Zen Node setup:


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