Cannot Backup Swing Wallet


Error Message: cannot backup wallet until the - exportdir option has been set

Full Client Wallet, formerly know as Swing Wallet


The error shows that zend was started without the exportdir parameter.

Mac Instructions

Quit your wallet if it is running.

From Finder:

CMD-SHIFT-G (or Menu View>Go To Folder...


Open Terminal

Enter the Following:

/Applications/ stop

Run the wallet. Try the Backup again

Windows Instructions

Quit your wallet if it is running.

Find the location of zen-cli

Search for zen-cli:


Copy path

In Windows Explorer text field paste the copied path.


The path will be surrounded by quotes, remove them.

"C:\\users\ZenCash User\ZenCash Wallet\app\zencli.exe"

Add the argument STOP to the string in the Windows Explore. It should look something like this, depending on where your wallet is located. Then hit the Enter key.

C:\\users\ZenCash User\ZenCash Wallet\app\zencli.exe stop

Yours will different due to different user name, etc.

Enter the Following:

/Applications/ stop

Run the wallet. Try the Backup again

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