v1.1.1-beta of Sphere by Horizen was released May 15, 2019.
- Fix an issue where some ledger seeds would not fully restore
- Fix an issue handling spaces in Windows account usernames
v1.1.0-beta of Sphere by Horizen was released April 19, 2019.
Due to significant improvements to data handling, users are strongly advised to create new accounts and restore their wallet seeds.
An upgrade mechanism will be included in the next major release to remove the requirement on the user to perform this step.
Added - Support restoring mnemonic seeds with multiple accounts (e.g. Ledger wallet seeds) - Terminal restricted to zen-cli commands to enable advanced wallet usage - Ability to reindex & reindex-chainstate the local node
Changed - Upgraded the bundled zend to 2.0.17 - version 2.0.16 is scheduled to be deprecated on April 26. - Fix an issue where the application would crash when dealing with large transaction data sets - Rework data refresh logic to reduce resource consumption and reliance on explorer API calls - General performance improvements - Fix an issue connecting to the local node - RPC credentials are now randomised each time the application starts - Fix issues with transaction history not displaying as intended - Fix an issue where some accounts would become corrupted during encryption