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Ensure you are logged in as the non-root user being used to run zend and the node tracker

  • Install packages from the official guide
  • Stop tracker with pm2
  • Create systemd unit the node tracker
  • Start tracker with systemd
  • Stop zend with monit
  • Create systemd unit for zend
  • Start zend with systemd
  • Check status of zend and zentracker
  • Enable service units at boot
  • Ensure Firewall is monitored by systemd
  • Kill and remove pm2
  • Remove and purge monit
  • - Migration to certbot


Install packages for ssl-cert and certbot and ensure other packages are installed from the official guide

sudo apt-get install build-essential software-properties-common apt-transport-https lsb-release dirmngr pwgen ssl-cert git jq ufw curl -y
2Update the package cache
sudo apt-get update -y

Install curl and add the nodejs repository and update the package cache

NOTE: Skip this step for Ubuntu

Debian 9 only

sudo apt-get install curl -y
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get update -y
4Install npm, upgrading it to the latest version
sudo apt-get install npm -y && sudo npm install -g n && sudo n latest

Stop the node tracker

NOTE: If for some reason you have more than one tracker running in pm2, you may have to change "0" to the number that corresponds with your tracker, and stop those as well. You can get a listing of the numbers from running: pm2 list

pm2 stop 0

Create a systemd unit file for the Node Tracker, copy and paste the entire block of text

echo "\
Description=ZenCash node daemon installed on ~/nodetracker/ 

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node /home/$USER/nodetracker/app.js

[Install]" | sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/zentracker.service
8Test the tracker unit file
sudo systemctl start zentracker
9Follow the tracker output log to check everything looks OK, if all appears fine, exit with CTRL+c
sudo journalctl -fu zentracker

Example Output

zenops@zsec01~$ sudo journalctl -fu zentracker
-- Logs begin at Tue 2018-05-22 12:54:41 EDT. --
May 24 21:34:28 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:28 GMT -- Connected to server Initializing...
May 24 21:34:28 zsec01 node[42000]: Secure Node t_address (not for stake)=znXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
May 24 21:34:28 zsec01 node[42000]: Balance for challenge transactions is 0.0247
May 24 21:34:28 zsec01 node[42000]: Using the following address for challenges
May 24 21:34:29 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:29 GMT -- Authenticated
May 24 21:34:29 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:29 GMT -- Updated server list
May 24 21:34:29 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:29 GMT -- Stats: send initial stats.
May 24 21:34:29 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:29 GMT -- Stats received by
May 24 21:34:29 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 01:34:29 GMT -- Cert check: valid=true. Hostname
matches CN


Stop zend with monit, then stop monit. Both commands are shown to stop via systemctl and sysinit (only one should be needed, but both are here for completeness)

sudo monit stop zend && sleep 8
sudo systemctl stop monit
sudo service monit stop
11Create a systemd unit file for zend, copy and paste the entire block of text
echo "\
Description=ZenCash daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/zend -daemon -pid=/home/$USER/.zen/

[Install]" | sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/zend.service
12Test the zend unit file
sudo systemctl start zend

Check the status of both zend and the tracker, both should return active (running), exit with CTRL+c

sudo systemctl status zend zentracker

Example Output

zenops@zsec01:~$ sudo systemctl status zend
 zend.service - ZenCash daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zend.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-05-24 22:31:30 EDT; 34s ago
Process: 21612 ExecStart=/usr/bin/zend -daemon -pid=/home/zenops/.zen/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 21615 (zend)
Tasks: 16
Memory: 810.0M
CPU: 18.963s
CGroup: /system.slice/zend.service
└─21615 /usr/bin/zend -daemon -pid=/home/zenops/.zen/

May 24 22:31:30 zsec01 systemd[1]: Started ZenCash daemon.

 zentracker.service - ZenCash node daemon installed on ~/nodetracker/

Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zentracker.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-05-24 21:34:27 EDT; 1h 1min ago
Main PID: 19648 (node)
Tasks: 10
Memory: 38.9M
CPU: 4.110s
CGroup: /system.slice/zentracker.service
└─19648 /usr/local/bin/node /home/zenops/nodetracker/app.js

May 24 22:10:28 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 02:10:28 GMT -- Stat check: connected blocks:313150 peers:8 bal:0.0247 isValidBal:true queueDepth:0 lastChalBlock:312579 lastExecSec:170.77
May 24 22:10:28 zsec01 node[42000]: 2018-05-25 02:10:28 GMT -- Stats received by

14If both work correctly, enable them at boot
sudo systemctl enable zend zentracker

Use systemctl to enable the firewall

NOTE: Many guides lacked enabling this under systemctl

If the firewall is not installed, see: Part 5 - Securing the Host

sudo ufw -f enable
sudo systemctl start ufw
sudo systemctl enable ufw
sudo systemctl status ufw

Example Output

zenops@zsec01:~$ sudo systemctl status ufw
[sudo] password for zenops:
ufw.service - Uncomplicated firewall
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ufw.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Sat 2018-05-26 16:03:39 EDT; 23min ago
Process: 603 ExecStart=/lib/ufw/ufw-init start quiet (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 603 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 0
Memory: 0B
CPU: 0
CGroup: /system.slice/ufw.service

May 26 16:03:39 zsec01 systemd[1]: Started Uncomplicated firewall.

16Remove pm2 from startup
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/pm2*
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/*

Kill and remove PM2 (if all of the above executed without error)

You may see a message about updating npm, you may ignore this

pm2 kill
sudo npm remove pm2 -g
sudo rm -r ~/.pm2

Example Output

zenops@zsec01:~$ pm2 kill
[PM2] Stopping PM2...
[PM2] Applying action deleteProcessId on app [all](ids: 0)
[PM2] [securenodetracker](0) ✓
[PM2] All processes have been stopped and deleted
[PM2] PM2 stopped

Example Output

zenops@zsec01:~$ sudo npm remove pm2 -g
removed 135 packages in 2.873s

.............Update available 5.5.1 → 6.1.0..............
...............Run npm i -g npm to update..............


Remove monit from startup (you may not require both commands, both are present to accommodate either systemd, or init script)

Run both commands if you're unsure of which way monit was configured

NOTE: It is expected that you will see an error if you execute the command that doesn't correspond with how monit was setup. You can safely dismiss errors from the one command of the two presented here.

sudo systemctl disable monit
sudo update-rc.d monit remove

Remove and purge monit from system and remove old repositories (if all of the above executed without error)

sudo apt-get remove monit -y
sudo apt-get purge monit -y
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
rm -rf ~/
20 - Migration to certbot

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