Support Channels - ZenHelp / Discord

Support Channels - ZenHelp / Discord

  • Gathering node information (required for troubleshooting / analysis by the team)
  • Contacting the team in Discord
  • Where and how to raise a zenhelp ticket

    NOTE: The Horizen team will support nodes that have been configured using the official setup guide. Deviations and bespoke installations will be supported on a 'best endeavours' basis. Additionally, you may find that other members of the community (specifically in the Discord channel) are able to provide support, depending on their area of expertise.


Info required - use the commands listed to gather information regarding your node, this will aid the team when reviewing and responding to the issue raised;

  • Installation - identify docker, ESXi, or other form of container used
  • OS - Linux Distribution and version
  • FQDN, Node ID, IP address
  • Node tracker - log
  • zend - debug.log
  • Discord nickname (enable the team to reach you in Discord for real-time investigation)

Identify your Linux distribution, version, architecture, and cpu info

uname -r
lsb_release -a
dpkg --print-architecture
cat /proc/cpuinfo

FQDN, Node ID (replace "secure" with "super" for super node)

cat ~/nodetracker/config/config.json | jq -r '.secure.fqdn'
cat ~/nodetracker/config/config.json | jq -r '.secure.nodeid'

IP address - ipv4

curl v4.ident.me && echo

IP address - ipv6

curl v6.ident.me && echo

Node Tracker - log (this will generate a file 'trackerlog.txt' which can be uploaded on your support ticket)

sudo journalctl --no-pager -u zentracker > ~/trackerlog.txt

zend - debug.log (this will generate a file 'debug.log.txt' which can be uploaded on your support ticket)

cat ~/.zen/debug.log > ~/debuglog.txt

zend - last 100 lines of debug.log

tail -100 ~/.zen/debug.log

Raising a zenhelp ticket is as simple as registering at support.horizen.global and creating a ticket with the details of your issue and the information gathered above

3The Horizen team and a large community are available within the Discord channel #node_tech_support

© 2020 Horizen. All rights reserved.

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