Install xbase-clients to enable the xauth mechanism for X11 forwarding

Install libpam-systemd dbus to enable SSH session termination

Why should I care?

  • Enables displaying graphical dialogue on a remote terminal
  • Allows for terminals to automatically exit upon node reboot


Install the xauth mechanism through the xbase-clients application, install libpam-systemd dbus and update the package cache

sudo apt-get install xbase-clients -y
sudo apt-get install libpam-systemd dbus -y
sudo apt-get update -y

Verify that X11Forwarding and UsePAM are enabled in sshd_config
NOTE: By default, after installing xbase-clients, X11Forwarding will be set to yes
NOTE: By default, after installing libpam-systemd dbus,  UsePAM will be set to yes

grep -i X11Forwarding /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -v "#"
grep -i UsePAM /etc/ssh/sshd_config

3Reboot node to apply changes

sudo reboot